Hier findest du die Apps im Google Play Store (Android):

Vernetzen Sie sich mit einer Million europäischer kommunaler und regionaler Mandatsträger und bleiben Sie stets auf dem Laufenden über die neuesten Entwicklungen in der EU-Institution, die die europäischen Städte und Regionen auf EU-Ebene vertritt. Über die App des Europäischen Ausschusses der Regionen (AdR) erhalten Sie Benachrichtigungen in Echtzeit über Neuigkeiten, Veranstaltungen und Stellungnahmen zu Ihren bevorzugten Themen. Speichern Sie Ihre Lieblingsartikel und teilen Sie Inhalte über soziale Medien und andere Kanäle – immer und überall.
zur App
The Citizens’ App records the achievements of the European Union. It explains our current work, defines our future goals, and describes the European Parliament’s role in them. It helps you to find different initiatives of interest to you by topic and location and updates you on their progress. It’s searchable, shareable, personalisable and available now in twenty-four languages.
zur App
This handy app is the perfect tool for those wishing to stay up-to-date on the work of the Court of Justice of the European Union. It provides easy access to the latest decisions of the Court of Justice, the General Court and the Civil Service Tribunal (including judgments, Opinions and orders), as well as the latest press releases. Also included is the Court’s diary, providing details of hearings, judgments and Opinions for the coming weeks. For those who need to delve deeper, a search facility provides simple access to the whole of the Court’s case law. Searches can be carried out by case number, party name, date and a free text search.
zur App
This app gives you access to all the publications and infographics published by the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS). As the in-house research service of the European Parliament, we provide independent, objective analysis on EU issues, policy and law. You can browse and search for publications by policy area, your favourite author, publication date, and even the size! Once you find the publication you want, you can easily share it with your friends or put it on your reading list to read later when you have no internet connection. Develop your knowledge on EU affairs with this easy to use app!
zur App
In 2017, the Erasmus+ Programme celebrates its 30th anniversary! To mark the occasion, the European Commission and the European University Foundation have developed a mobile application that guides Erasmus+ participants every step of the way… Find everything you need to know about opportunities to go abroad with Erasmus+ and check out all the features that are specifically built to facilitate your experience!
zur App
The European Solidarity Corps is the new initiative from the European Union to enable young people aged 18 to 30 to engage in solidarity-related projects around Europe. This could be as a volunteer, trainee or even as a paid employee working on a solidarity-themed project.
zur App
Do we have a qualified majority? It's always been difficult to check whether the Council of the European Union has reached the qualified majority it needs to adopt an act. Since November 2014, qualified majority voting at the Council needs at least 55% of the member states comprising 65% of the population to be in agreement. Answering this question has just been made easy thanks to the Council's voting calculator app. In just a few clicks you can check the final result of a Council vote. Designed for anyone who needs to quickly check a potential voting result for the Council of the EU, the voting calculator app verifies in three easy steps if an act can be adopted:
zur App

Hier findest du die Apps im AppStore (iOS):

Vernetzen Sie sich mit einer Million europäischer kommunaler und regionaler Mandatsträger und bleiben Sie stets auf dem Laufenden über die neuesten Entwicklungen in der EU-Institution, die die europäischen Städte und Regionen auf EU-Ebene vertritt. Über die App des Europäischen Ausschusses der Regionen (AdR) erhalten Sie Benachrichtigungen in Echtzeit über Neuigkeiten, Veranstaltungen und Stellungnahmen zu Ihren bevorzugten Themen. Speichern Sie Ihre Lieblingsartikel und teilen Sie Inhalte über soziale Medien und andere Kanäle – immer und überall.
The Citizens’ App records the achievements of the European Union. It explains our current work, defines our future goals, and describes the European Parliament’s role in them. It helps you to find different initiatives of interest to you by topic and location and updates you on their progress. It’s searchable, shareable, personalisable and available now in twenty-four languages.
zur App
This handy app is the perfect tool for those wishing to stay up-to-date on the work of the Court of Justice of the European Union. It provides easy access to the latest decisions of the Court of Justice, the General Court and the Civil Service Tribunal (including judgments, Opinions and orders), as well as the latest press releases. Also included is the Court’s diary, providing details of hearings, judgments and Opinions for the coming weeks. For those who need to delve deeper, a search facility provides simple access to the whole of the Court’s case law. Searches can be carried out by case number, party name, date and a free text search.
zur App
This app gives you access to all the publications and infographics published by the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS). As the in-house research service of the European Parliament, we provide independent, objective analysis on EU issues, policy and law. You can browse and search for publications by policy area, your favourite author, publication date, and even the size! Once you find the publication you want, you can easily share it with your friends or put it on your reading list to read later when you have no internet connection. Develop your knowledge on EU affairs with this easy to use app!
zur App
In 2017, the Erasmus+ Programme celebrates its 30th anniversary! To mark the occasion, the European Commission and the European University Foundation have developed a mobile application that guides Erasmus+ participants every step of the way… Find everything you need to know about opportunities to go abroad with Erasmus+ and check out all the features that are specifically built to facilitate your experience!
zur App
The European Solidarity Corps is the new initiative from the European Union to enable young people aged 18 to 30 to engage in solidarity-related projects around Europe. This could be as a volunteer, trainee or even as a paid employee working on a solidarity-themed project.
zur App
Do we have a qualified majority? It's always been difficult to check whether the Council of the European Union has reached the qualified majority it needs to adopt an act. Since November 2014, qualified majority voting at the Council needs at least 55% of the member states comprising 65% of the population to be in agreement. Answering this question has just been made easy thanks to the Council's voting calculator app. In just a few clicks you can check the final result of a Council vote. Designed for anyone who needs to quickly check a potential voting result for the Council of the EU, the voting calculator app verifies in three easy steps if an act can be adopted:
zur App