Wahlen in Europa
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Europe Elects is a market leader in the analysis of polls and election data in Europe. The Germany-based start-up contextualises the data for free for 120,000 followers on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube, and has provided analysis to Al Jazeera, Euronews, Heinrich-Boell Foundation, the University of Georgia and other major international stakeholders in the past. Moreover, Europe Elects acts as a democracy watchdog in authoritarian countries. During Europe Elects’ work, the platform breaks the national narrative and reports from a European perspective for a pan-European audience. POLITICO Europe has found in 2019 that Europe Elects is – ahead of CNN or Le Monde – the 12th most influential media in the EU Parliament.
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Parties and Elections in Europe provides a comprehensive database about political parties, elections and governments. The website contains the results of legislative elections from more than 100 countries and autonomous regions in Europe. The parties are classified according to their political orientation. Historical data can be found in the archive.
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Wir wollen eine EU, die sich für demokratische Werte und eine vermehrte Bürgerbeteiligung einsetzt. Eine EU in der alle Europäer*innen über vollständige politische Rechte verfügen.
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Als EU-Staatsbürger/-in, der/die in einem anderen EU-Land lebt, haben Sie in diesem Land das aktive und passive Wahlrecht bei Kommunal- und Europawahlen. Dabei gelten für Sie dieselben Voraussetzungen wie für Staatsangehörige. Auf dieser Seite finden Sie alle Informationen rund um Ihr Wahlrecht im EU-Ausland.
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